Oh no…
I had been running Pycharm 2023.1.3 for quite a while without paying any attention to the available updates… I hopped in to add a quick feature to my IT ticketing system and noticed the updates and clicked on it.
This __this__ happened…

I almost shit a brick in horror and wondered if I had inadvertently started VS Code. I tried to go about my mission of adding a simple feature then got disgusted when I had to fight the UI to close a webpage preview of a template.
Google to the Rescue!
I hunted about on Google for a bit then happened across the JetBrains Classic UI plugin. Once installed I had my familiar and powerful IDE back, not some lopped off text editor. I even created an account on the JetBrains marketplace so I could review this plugin and ended up upvoting almost every review I listed there.
I can only hope they maintain the Classic UI plugin. If I wanted VS Code I would just use it for Free — but I prefer an actual TOOL that behaves like a professional integrated development environment.
VSCodification has to STOP
Can we just stop the dumbing down of every user interface? I understand the plight of the nascent end-user that is just getting taking their first steps into computing. But for a seasoned (read that as OLD school and just plain OLD) developer it’s disheartening and disappointing to see good tools turn into kids toys.